Never Surrender
Code FC
Multi-media artist Code FC, graduated from Chelsea College of Art and Design in 2002 with a degree in Public Art and Design. Since then he has been active as Street Artist / VJ / Video Artist / Painter, with projects spreading across art galleries, street art, clubs and music festival internationally.
His work typically involves site-specific socio-historical commentary, evident in his global street art practice, which takes the form of travel diaries onto outdoor spaces treated as sketch-books. His influences range from art historical and graffiti references, to personal interpretations of historical occurrences, abstract and geometric imagery, and computer design. #codefc s recognizable signature, the replacing of faces with super 8 camcorders, constitutes a commentary on society s spectator, rather than participatory, role in urban life.
He’s based in London, Bangkok and Ibiza.
Media coverage: BBC World Brazil — BBC World China — CBC News Canada — Olympics New Service — Channel 1 Russia — NBC News USA — ESPN — Sports Illustrated — Evening Standard
Book features : Banksy Planet – New Street Art – Street Art London – London Graffiti and Street Art – The Mammoth Book of Street Art